Sunday, February 3, 2013

Finding out your moon sign can give you a bad stomach

You may not believe this, but before last night, I did not know what my moon sign is. I've always known my sun sign (Aquarius), and I think it pretty accurately describes the kind of person I basically am. But I've never known my moon sign, because, as difficult as this might be to believe, I never knew the exact time at which I was born. But it's never really bothered me, because I've always been skeptical about astrology; I've always believed that if you want badly enough to believe something an astrologer says about you, you will interpret reality in such a way as to fit what he or she says. Thus, there is really no way for an astrologer to be wrong. Which strikes me as patently unscientific. The Austrian philosopher Karl Popper puts this point very eloquently when he writes:

"Astrologers were greatly impressed, and misled, by what they believed to be confirming evidence—so much so that they were quite unimpressed by any unfavourable evidence. Moreover, by making their interpretations and prophesies sufficiently vague they were able to explain away anything that might have been a refutation of the theory had the theory and the prophesies been more precise. In order to escape falsification they destroyed the testability of their theory. It is a typical soothsayer’s trick to predict things so vaguely that the predictions can hardly fail: that they become irrefutable." (Karl Popper, "Science, Pseudo-science, and Falsifiability")  

But maybe we don't always need everything to be totally scientific; nor do we need every single thing we say to be precise and falsifiable. In any case, sometime last week, a chain of events was set in place which led eventually to the unraveling of my ignorance about my moon sign. A day before my birthday (is this fate or what?), a newly established company based in South India which offers online Vedic astrology readings emailed me; they had learned about me through this blog (this may be a portent that this blog is steadily gaining international acclaim, but maybe I'm just having delusions of grandeur here...). They offered me the privilege of being one of the first people to experience their instantaneous online astrology reading service--which, they claimed, is based on the work of the highest-level astrologers in Southern India--before they present it for mass consumption.

I was skeptical about their offer (and still am), so I did not respond to their email. But this whole incident did stoke my curiosity enough; it occurred to me that I did not know my moon or ascendant signs, because I did not know what time I was born. I figured that it probably wouldn't hurt to find these out. So I emailed my mom and, well, asked her what time I was born (probably not a common question people email their moms about...). And she told me. And last night, after a few days of procrastinating, I finally went online and discovered what my moon and ascendant signs were.

My first reaction was one of shock. Although I have a Popperian attitude towards astrology, I still could not help but be struck at how my moon sign seems to aptly describe what I am like on an emotional and instinctive level. And here's something else that might strike you as interesting. Some years ago, this person I was seeing for a little while correctly guessed my moon sign, even though she had no idea what time of the day I was born! Isn't this bizarre?

Anyway, I spent the better part of yesterday evening getting really intrigued by this new discovery, and looking up lots of information online about my moon sign. As a result, I am feeling a bit bloated today (when I get excited about something, I tend to eat too many potato chips, which affects my digestion). So yeah, finding out what your moon sign is can give you a bad stomach...

Oh well. Now I'm not sure if astrology is such a bad thing, after all. Maybe I should take up that company's offer, after all... 


  1. Well you are very lucky to know. I have asked my mom about the time of my birth on different occasions and she has answered 8 AM, !0 AM and even maybe 11 AM! She apparently was so knocked out by the drugs they gave out in 1958, she does not have a clear idea. I could involve city hall but I'd have to bribe somebody I'm sure.

    1. Something tells me that if you embark on a journey to find out your time of birth, you will end up with enough material for a novel, maybe something along the lines of Gabriel Garcia Marquez :-)

      But maybe I'm romanticizing Colombia here...

  2. Ok, this post set me off on the rabbit hole of finding my moon sign, ascendant and digging into my birth chart, all of which contained information that was eerily accurate. Thanks for that Nobel! ;)

    (and no, I didn't get a bad stomach)

    1. I'm glad you didn't get a bad stomach :-) And I hope you didn't find out anything you didn't want to know; there's always the danger with these things...

    2. I actually learnt things that I already knew or had happened, which was the eerie part. Now I'm seriously toying with the idea of seeing an astrologer for an interpretation of my birth chart!

    3. "Now I'm seriously toying with the idea of seeing an astrologer for an interpretation of my birth chart!"

      That sounds cool and fun, except I have no idea how to go about finding a reliable astrologer... is there a National Astrological Association or something?

    4. There may well be some sort of a professional association but I don't know of any. The same weekend you published this, Patrick (The Yoga Bum) analyzed his horoscopes using Steven Forrest's "The Inner Sky" ( If you poke around Forrest's site you'll find a directory of astrologers in the US that he's trained. Given the number of books he's published he must be quite legit, but I hardly know anything about the astrology field, so perhaps more research is in order.

  3. The weekly reading gives you whole week information as per your zodiac sign and regarding of your career, life, business, love, family and also about many other things that happened in life.
